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制定COVID-19国家通报 & 数码追踪服务

Read the following case study from Storm ID on the work they undertook during the pandemic to help develop Scotland’s National Notification & 数码追踪服务, to support test results delivery for people in Scotland who had been tested for COVID-19.

The Challenge

The Chinese government first reported ‘cases of pneumonia of unknown etiology’ to the World Health Organization on 31 December 2019. 一周后,导致疾病爆发的新病毒被确定.On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization declared the outbreak a global pandemic and in the same week, 数字健康 & 护理创新中心 (DHI) was commissioned by the Scottish Government to support Scotland’s digital response.DHI与Storm ID接洽,希望与博天堂入口公共卫生部合作, 博天堂入口国民服务体系, NHS大格拉斯哥和克莱德, NHS Lothian and Sitekit to co-design and develop the National Notification and 数码追踪服务 to support test results delivery for people in Scotland who had been tested for COVID-19. 该网站的推出意味着公众可以进行搜索, 以新的和动态的方式过滤和查看历史人口普查数据的输出.

The Objectives

伙伴关系与合作 – Developing the National Notification and 数码追踪服务 would require several partners to work collaboratively and at pace. 我们与数字健康合作 & 护理创新中心, 博天堂入口公共卫生部, 博天堂入口国民保健服务体系和各国民保健服务委员会. 合作将是确保这一点的关键, 几周之内, 人们将能够通过数字渠道收到测试结果通知.安全集成 -以速度为优先, the National Notification and 数码追踪服务 would need to leverage existing technologies, services and capabilities to securely provide COVID-19 test result notifications to people who had been tested. It was agreed to focus on using the 博天堂入口国民服务体系 Integration Hub, the GOV.英国通知服务和全国接触者追踪管理系统.Channel Shift ——从一开始, the National Notification and 数码追踪服务 would need to be architected for scale and flexibility so that it could respond to evolving public health requirements and meet the diverse needs of the public and the range of health boards.

The Insight

The National Notification and 数码追踪服务 was developed at pace and was well received by tracing and clinical staff in 12 NHS Boards. 结果被发送到为每个NHS委员会开发的仪表板, 允许测试结果交付团队搜索和过滤测试结果.Feeds were set up by individual NHS Boards to allow them to control which people received notifications, 例如,不包括住院病人和护理院的病人.Rules were established to automate results delivery to help speed up contact tracing effort with a manual option to address any exceptions.More than 2 million test results from UK Lighthouse Labs and Scottish Labs have been ingested by the service, 导致面向市民的web应用程序的页面浏览量超过200万.响应需求, the service was updated to give people the ability to share details of contacts they had come in to contact with, to help accelerate vitally important contact tracing work to slow and break transmission of the virus. 对于被告知检测结果呈阳性的人, 45% went on to use the digital service to provide details of those they had been in contact with and of those, 75% self-reported their contacts and settings within 60 minutes of receiving their positive test result notification.

The Technology

The National Notification and 数码追踪服务 leveraged the Lenus Health Platform that supports secure health data exchange and was developed using Microsoft Azure PaaS to allow for rapid delivery, agile infrastructure deployment and to support scale-out during peak demand for resources.安全集成与NSS集成中心,政府.英国通知服务和全国接触者追踪管理系统至关重要.有了这些技术和集成, the National Notification and 数码追踪服务 acted as a vital bridge between NHS systems, 数据和个人, 及时、安全地提供信息. This allowed each person to act rapidly on the result of a test in support of government and clinical guidelines to help control the spread of the virus during the pandemic.


Using cloud based PaaS services in addition to serverless technology in the form of Azure functions, the National Notification and 数码追踪服务 fully automated the process of receiving, 处理并自动发送符合约定规则的测试结果通知, helping to speed up results delivery to people and reduce the workload placed on contact tracing and clinical staff.


From a user perspective the service sought to go beyond simply delivering the test result within a text message due to security concerns. Instead, the test result could be viewed securely by people within the National Notification and 数码追踪服务 from which guidance and support could be offered directly at the point the notification was received.

SMS Tokens

People received an SMS message with a unique token allowing them to authenticate with the National Notification and 数码追踪服务 where they could then view their most recent test result. A viewed notification would then be communicated back to each of the dashboards in the 12 NHS Boards, and from there, 更新国家接触者追踪管理系统, 提供开始接触者跟踪的触发器.


Individual NHS Boards could choose to deactivate test result notifications for certain types of people, or patients, 例如那些已经在医院接受治疗或在养老院接受照顾的人.


The citizen facing web application was extended to allow people with a positive result to provide details of other people they believed they had been in contact with and the places they had visited. These contacts and places visited were then sent to the National Contact Tracing Management System, 这些信息已提供给国家和地方的追踪小组.

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